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My mission is quite simple, achieve the impossible through strength and perseverance. My soul purpose in life is to encourage others through my own testimonies. Give people the heart and motivation to conquer their own dreams. My focus remains the same, to work until you no longer have to introduce yourself. I couldn't tell you how many times people have tried to make me give up on my own dreams and passions. I found myself  using that negative energy and turning it into positive energy; allowing what individuals said to go into one ear and out of the other. It's easy to become caught up in "the life" but sometimes you have to take a step back, breath and relax before you take your next step. I would be doing you a disservice if I told you I have a product that will set your dreams and goals on fire. Trust me if I did I'd tell you, but no I do not have all of the answers nor the solutions. What I do have is the motivation and the life lessons that I've learned to live by and follow myself. A Leader is an individual who not only leads by example but is willing to make mistakes on the way. I've made a multitude of mistakes in my lifetime. I wouldn't be able to call myself a leader without having been through what I speak about today. Welcome to where dreaming is no longer just a thought process done while your mind is asleep, but a reality sought out in full because now not only did you have the courage to believe in it, you'll also be the first to see it through. I challenge you to embark on this journey with me; stay consistent, continue to be humble, only promote positive vibes, & never give up on yourself; I promise you it'll change your life forever.

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