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It was 1986, The Fresh Prince and DJ JazzyJeff came out with the hit single "Girls ain't nothing but trouble" while Tupac & Jada were making a music video to "Parents just don't understand" The then "The Fresh Force Crew" later to be known as "Kid n Play" came out with their first hit record "She's a Skeezer and Rock me" hit the late 80's by storm! Denzel Washington was peeking into his career with the then hit TV show "St. Elsewhere" which he was the first African American to actually stay on a hit TV show for its entire air time (6 years). He was also doing films such as "The George McKenna story, Hard Lessons, and Power" Spike Lee hit the Film world by surprise with his first "Spike Lee Joint" "She's Gotta Have it" which his grandmother gave him the startup money and he tripled that with box office hits, specifically 7,137,502!!! 1986 was a Powerful year for a lot of Artist and Creative Minded Individuals! I take from their attitudes and determinations the ambition and drive to want to fulfill my dreams. To want to achieve the "Unthinkable" to aspire to be Great! To want more for myself and those around me! I've always had a take care of kind of mindset! The mindset that wants to leave no one behind! The kind of attitude that gives people two options as to whether your just gonna Love me or Hate me there is no in between! 1986 was a Remarkable year; it was the year Malcolm A. Bowens was born Wednesday @ 4am October 1st, 1986!


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